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- District Court of Appeal Public Input Survey
District Court of Appeal Public Input Survey
On May 6, 2021, Chief Justice Canady established and charged the District Court of Appeal Workload and Jurisdiction Assessment Committee (AOSC21-13) with evaluating the necessity for increasing, decreasing, or redefining the appellate districts. As specified in Rule 2.241, Florida Rules of General Practice and Judicial Administration, the Committee’s recommendation will be based on five criteria (Effectiveness, Efficiency, Access to Appellate Review, Professionalism, and Public Trust and Confidence). The rule requires the Committee to confer with the chief judges and other representatives of appellate districts and judicial circuits, trial and appellate court budget commissions, The Florida Bar, and the public to gather information related to its charges. The purpose of the survey is to obtain input pertaining to the five criteria. A package containing statistical information is available at ti5w.hongjiuchina.com/dca_assessment for reference. All responses are anonymous; they will be compiled and analyzed as a group.
Answer the survey here: http://checkbox.hongjiuchina.com/Public-Opinion-Survey-2021.aspx